Monthly Archives: August 2009


I’m so tired but we raised ova $600 at the first sickle cell softball tournament. Congrats to KM Logistics they are the overall champions. Now its nap time


CMB Virtual Assistants, along with Sophisticated Souls Bookclub, is excited about hosting the upcoming book signing & writers workshop on November 7 featuring Nicole S. Rouse ( and Vernon Jones. More information to come…so put it on your calendar.


What a great conference call tonight! I was able to talk about the benefit of an authors assistant to new & established authors. Check out my webpage @ to get more information on how an authors assistant can be an asset to an authors team.


I have had a full day but please visit SORMAG online conference at I will be on the telecast at 9 p.m. discussing the importance of an authors assistant. This will be a very informative discussion for all and especially authors. Sign in and participate authors b/c this is your chance to ask all the questions you have for us author assistants.